SNEI is 51% Women & Minority owned and is currently certified through the WRMSCD, CPUC and NDOT as: WBE, MBE, DBE & SBE
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WMBE & SBE CerTified. 30 Years of Excellence.

Desert Tortoise Biologists

We are desert tortoise experts operating in the Mojave Desert. We specialize in desert tortoise mitigation, relocation, translocation, clearance & surveys.

About SNEI

SNEI is an environmental consulting firm with offices in Las Vegas, Nevada and Victorville, California. Our team of degreed biologists are in-house trained to provide mitigation services for sensitive, threatened, and endangered species in the Mojave Desert, with emphasis on the desert tortoise and migratory birds on both small and large-scale construction projects. SNEI has 30 years of experience working with large utility companies, private contractors, and Federal, State, and local governments.


Project Experience

SoCal Gas Operations & Maintenance

San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego and Imperial Counties, California

Gemini Solar Project

Clark County, Nevada

Kern River Gas Transmission Company

Lincoln, Nye and San Bernardino Counties, Nevada and California

SNWA Operations & Maintenance

Clark County, Nevada

Coyote Springs Development

Coyote Springs, Nevada

Castle Mountain Mine

San Bernardino County, California

VEA Transmission Lines

Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada

Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System

San Bernardino County, California

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Search Terms:

SNEI Biological, Southern Nevada Environmental, Inc, Biological Services, Desert Tortoise, Desert Tortoise Biologist. Desert Tortoise Construction Monitoring, Desert Tortoise Survey, Clearance Survey, Presence Absence Survey. Desert Tortoise Health Assessments, Desert Tortoise Telemetry, Desert Tortoise Transmitter, Desert Tortoise Translocation, Desert Tortoise Relocation. Tortoise Fence Inspection, Tortoise Exclusionary Fence Inspection, Authorized Biologist, Authorized Desert Tortoise Handler.

USFWS Authorized Desert Tortoise Biologist, Field Contract Representative (FCR), Mojave Desert Biologist, Desert Tortoise Worker Education Program, Compliance Inspection Coordinator (CIC), Section 7 Endangered Species Act. Sensitive Species, Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Avian Surveys, Migratory Bird Surveys, Migratory Bird Nest Monitoring. Burrowing Owl Surveys and Clearances, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Surveys, Gilded Flicker Surveys. Gila Woodpecker Surveys, Sage Grouse Surveys, Plant Survey, Botanical Survey, Noxious Weed Survey, Invasive Weed Survey, Sensitive & Rare Plant Inventory.

Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard, Banded Gila Monster, Chuckwalla, Utah Prairie Dog. Mojave Ground Squirrel, Venemous Snake Awareness, GIS Services, GIS Mapping, Arc GIS, Garmin MapSource, Basecamp, Gas Pipeline, Transmission Line, Solar, Wind Energy. Women & Minority Business Enterprise, Small Business Enterprise, Diverse Business Enterprise, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, CPUC Certified, NDOT Certified, CUPC Certified, CalTrans Certified.